How to Experience Good Mental Health

How to Experience Good Mental Health


How to Experience Good Mental Health.

In this course we look at;

Our thought process, how to renew our mind, wrong thinking patterns and how to prevent wrong thinking, how to develop good thinking patterns, having the mind of Christ, and Isaiah 41:10 explained.



In our new, born-again spirits, we are a completely new creation. We actually have the mind of Christ. Our born-again spirits have been renewed in knowledge after the same image of Him that created us. We have received an anointing in our spirit so that we know all things.

The spiritual portion of us as Christians has the mind of Christ, while our physical brains do not. This is why the renewing of our physical minds is so important.

We already have the perfect wisdom of Christ on the inside, but we need to transfer that knowledge to our physical minds and thereby change our physical emotions and actions.

It is not our spirits that we are trying to train in the Word of God. Rather, the Holy Spirit is trying to train our physical minds to let the perfect wisdom of Christ, which is already resident in the spirit of every believer, prevail over our carnal thinking.

God’s Word is Spirit and life. God’s Word has written in print what is written in our hearts in the mind of Christ. Therefore, as we study God’s Word with the revelation knowledge of the Holy Spirit, this mind of Christ is reproduced in our physical minds and the life of God is released in our bodies.


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