Rejoice with me!

On the 17th January of this year (2022) and at 8.45pm my husband Stephen invited Jesus into his heart and life and became born again. (Thank you Lord).
It has been a long journey since I myself celebrated my spiritual birthday of 31 years this month (January 26th).
I have spent the last 31 years of walking with the Lord on my own because my husband was not saved during this time. This wasn’t easy and it did feel lonely at times but I kept on praying and believing in God to save him.
Stephen would say to me “Mo you go to church and I’ll go to work” and thats the way we lived our lives until recently in the last few years I have saw Stephen’s heart being softened by the Lord and the Lord actually preparing his heart to surrender it.

Stephen openly admitted to me that he didn’t know if God really existed or not. He just simply didn’t know.
As a young boy he attended Sunday school for a few years and he did on occasions go to church with me but still overall he still didn’t seem interested in God or the things of God so I kept on praying.
Often times when I was at home listening to the teachings on the God channel Stephen would come in from work and when he saw what I was watching he would have left the room. He Just wasn’t open to God.
Stephen has a condition called Fibromyalgia and has been challenged with this chronic pain disease for 25 years. I believe when he finally accepted there is no cure for this disease he began to turn to the Lord.

I kept telling him “the Lord has his healing for him and all he had to do was receive it”, but he had to come to this conclusion himself in order to move in the direction of the Lord.
Bringing you up to date -for the past 4 years Stephen began to listen to Andrew Wommack and Barry Bennett’s teaching on God’s love and Grace.
I too(over the course) have been personally praying with him and teaching him the word of God. I saw how the Lord opened up his heart to become interested and to try to understand who this God was in my own life and how I would tell him of all the amazing things that happened to me and that I accredited those things to God and Stephen ‘s heart began to change. Slowly but surely.

About a year ago Stephen began to listen to some new worship songs which had guitars and drums in the music and he came across a song called “Rattle” by elevation worship. Well, he blasted that song for days in our house because he thought all Christian songs had no guitars or drums in them. A ploy of satan as we know, to try to keep a person from thinking that God doesn’t like or want to hear drums or guitars in music.

I saw how the very first day when he found this life changing song that he started to cry a little bit and became emotional and he said to me “I don’t know why I’m feeling so tearful just listening to this song” and I told him it was the power of God touching his heart.

He progressed to look for more similar songs and he found a whole bunch of them much to his delight. Well, again you could have heard this music coming from our house no matter where you lived. I would text my friends ( who lived miles and miles away) and apologise for the loud music by the way of a joke and they were delighted at this and were praising God for the work he was doing in Stephen’s heart.
And now bringing you up to date to the last 2 weeks to the very night Stephen came to the Lord – it was most brilliant how this took place. I could never have imagined how this moment would ever be, but when God takes the reigns, he certainly does.
I sat down with Stephen at 7.35pm to do our ongoing teachings of studying the word of God and our prayer time together, and I began to tell him of the example about a man/sinner in the bible who had to bring a sacrificial animal to be offered to the high priest to atone/payment for the man’s sins. It was the priest who examined the lamb (the offering) but did not examine the man who brought the offering. I went deep into this scenario and was careful how I would word what I said. I explained how Jesus was our sacrificial lamb that was offered on our behalf. The whole time I talked was about an hour and ten minutes and he just listened the whole time and you could have heard a pin drop in our living room. The glory of God was there and I could feel it and it was peaceful, tangible and Holy. It was so incredible.

John 1:29 (KJV)
29 …..Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

When I had finished talking and explaining to him I cautiously asked Stephen what was he thinking and he said, “well, I can’t thing of any reason why I wouldn’t want to do this” (give my life to the lord) and I didn’t say anything. Again it’s not about me jumping the gun so to speak but it’s about allowing that person to make up their own mind and for them not to feel that they have to do something they are not yet ready to do.
I wanted this decision to come from him from the teaching I had done with him for this was going to be the seeds that the Holy Spirit could use to bring Stephen to the Lord while being encouraged by the Spirit to help him.
I then began praying to the Lord and then asked Stephen “what do you want to do” and he said, “yes I want to do this” and I said thats so great. I then became emotional a little bit because this was a defining moment for me and for Stephen too.

As Stephen began to say his own few words, I looked at the clock and it read 8.45pm and he invite the lord in to his heart and life.
Luke 15:7 (KJV)
7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

After it was done I sat there and tried to come to terms of the realness that just took place. I then told Stephen he needed to tell someone of what he done and he said he would tell Louise ( our daughter) and so I called her down from her bedroom so he could tell her.
Romans 10:9-10 (KJV)
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Louise had also been praying for her dad over the years too and she said when she touched the handle of the the living room door to come in, God already told her , her dad got saved, so she had this knowing. And of course her dad told her all what happened.

While they were wrapping up their conversation, I went out to the kitchen to make some tea and it was there that the Lord gave me full assurance that Stephen was saved (by having this Holy Spirit knowing) and that he was now a child of the most high God. So my heart was solidified in this as the Spirit made confirmation to me.
The moral of the story…. Keep praying and please don’t be tempted to lose faith while praying for someone. The Lord is faithful and wants people brought into His kingdom more than we do. He proved this by dying on the cross for every person.

He hears your prayers and sees your tears. He sees, knows, cares and more importantly he understands.

Put all your eggs in one basket and trust the one who is drawing that person(s) you are praying for to Himself. Seeds are being planted in their heart and will come to fruition. We serve a faithful God and one that can be trusted and relied upon.

Hebrews 7:25 (KJV)
25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.